Jin Xuan Oolong, also known as “Milk Oolong,” is a variety of Taiwanese Oolong tea known for its creamy and smooth flavor profile. It was developed in the 1980s by the Tea Research and Extension Station in Taiwan and is now grown in various regions, including Vietnam, China, and Thailand.
The tea leaves of Jin Xuan are typically tightly rolled into small balls, and when steeped, they produce a light, golden liquor with a distinctive milky aroma and a floral, buttery taste. The unique flavor is natural and not due to any added milk or flavoring. This tea is popular for its rich, creamy texture and subtle sweetness, making it a favorite among oolong tea enthusiasts.
Let’s elevate your tea-drinking experience with our exceptional Oolong tea, infusing your daily rituals with blissful tranquility.